Granary Granola

This is my current Granola recipe. We go through a lot of this throughout the year, it is pretty simple to make & full of loads of yummy nutritional foods, rather than having to look at packets in the supermarket you know exactly what is in it.

Generally served on top of some greek yogurt or kefir but also just with milk. Then topped with blueberries or any other seasonal fruits.

You can use this recipe as a base, then if you prefer hazelnuts or pecans for example or fancy giving them a try stick to the main quantities but mix it up to your preference.


3 Tbspn coconut oil

100ml maple syrup

2 Tbspn honey

1 Teaspn vanilla extract

350g oats

50g sunflower seeds

50g pumpkin seeds

4 Tbspn sesame seeds

125g whole nuts (almonds, pecan, hazel, walnut whatever you like)

50g coconut flakes

METHOD- heat oven to 150c/130c fan

Heat the coconut oil, maple syrup, honey & vanilla in a small pan. Whisk well.

Prepare the dry ingredients (apart from the coconut flakes) in a large bowl.

Once cooled a little pour the mixture over the dry ingredients. Mix well.

Pour all the granola onto lined baking trays, you may need two.

Bake for 15-20 minutes.

Add the coconut flakes & mix well.

Bake for another 15-20 minutes.

Once cooled- pour into an airtight container or glass mason jar.



Pear & Cinnamon Overnight Oats


‘Smokey’ Beans (on toast)