‘Smokey’ Beans (on toast)

Ok, I know it sounds like I am trying to reinvent the wheel but trust me these beans are totally delicious on toast! However they could also be served with baked potato or rice, or along with a poached egg on top!

I decided to cook them in the slow cooker on low for a few good hours (4-5) but you can cook them on a hob, in the oven or wherever you like to do your cooking. I would say around 2 hrs in a 150C oven.


8oz dried haricot beans

1 Tbsp olive oil

2 diced onions

2 cloves of garlic

1 tsp mustard seeds

2 Tbsp maple syrup

3 Tbsp soy sauce

3 Tbsp ACV (apple cider vinegar)

2 Tbsp tomato puree

2 tsp smoked paprika

2 chopped red peppers

3/4 pt veggie stock

Sea salt & black pepper


Soak beans overnight then rinse & simmer for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile…gently fry the onion & garlic for 10 mins in the olive oil

Add mustard seeds for 5 minutes

Add all the other ingredients apart from the stock and stir while waiting for the beans

Drain the beans & add to the mix along with stock

Pop it all in the slow cooker & leave on low for 4-5 hrs.


Can be frozen in batches to use later.

Hope you find them a tasty alternative to Heinz!


Granary Granola


Roast Squash, Tomato & Harissa Soup